volatility rebalancing

1 votes

(suggestion from user MarkoP - https://www.iconomi.com/user/MarkoP - Strategist of Wisdom Strategies)

Rebalancing of baskets of “Wisdom Crypto” strategies
My makret approach is to “sell” volatility, that is defined by three differrent volatility combinations:
Wisdom High Volatility
Wisdom Medium Volatility
Wisdom Low Volatility
That said, users could agree on automated rebalancing of these baskets. Kind of "rebalancing inception”.
Packages are made with all 8 products and users is invited from Iconomi side, to apply to one of three types of volatility rebalancing.
In terms of iconomi, that means, that you would upgrade/enhance rebalancing activity based on types of volatility packages users need.

All in all, to satisfly users need and apetite for volatility exposure within newly rising crypto ecosystem.

Proposed copiers Suggested by: <Hidden> Upvoted: 28 Sept, '23 Comments: 0

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