My portfolio value chart - 24h portfolio change in more or less a stright line
(note - Support submitting the sugestion; related to Zendesk ticket #60190)
My portfolio value chart - 24h portfolio change in more or less a straight line.
"... I don't like how the graph with 24h change looks like as scale is totaly unappropriete and no matter the development durring the 24h is done i can only see more or less a stright line. Would it be possible to change the Y scale to have better visual understanding of the movement over last 24h...."
Add the option of showing/switching between portfolio % change and existing portfolio balance change.
Comments: 3
22 Nov, '23
<Hidden> MergedHi there,
Just writing you this email - because after being a long time user of ICONOMI there is one thing that, in my opinion, could be easily changed and improve the readibility of the line chart on MY PORTFOLIO. Indeed the Y axis, representing the Portoflio amount always start at the reference point 0.
If it makes sense when the total value of your portfolio is not important, it makes no sense when its value is more consequent.
I would like to suggest you the possibility of implementing a dynamic range re-calibrating the Y Axis according to the total amount of the portfolio according the time period selected.
This is just an idea - and something that all portfolio value tracking graph do. -
04 Dec, '23
<Hidden> AdminThis is deployed in the webapp ... enjoy it.
1 -
04 Dec, '23
<Hidden> Admin"Suggestion of UI Improvement [Dynamic Y axis on Portfolio value graph]" (suggested by A.B. on 2023-11-22), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.